
There are a huge range of roses available and most are available all the year round. However, within this range there are a very limited number that are pure white roses.  The Akito rose is pure white, but relatively small. The Avalanche rose is large and impressive, but is ivory rather than pure white.

The Avalanche Rose

Recently, flower growers have been attempting to provide a white rose to fill this gap in the market,  A new rose has very recently been developed, its name is ‘Apres-ski.  It is a large pure white rose equivalent to the Avalanche rose.

The new Apres-ski rose
At the moment Apres-ski is relatively scarce and a little more expensive than normal roses.  .

The Grand Prix and Passion roses are traditional red roses.  They are the atypical Valentines rose. However, for a maybe more dramatic effect other roses are available. The Black Baccara rose has the form of a Passion rose but is a deep deep red, which gives the appearance of black. 


The Black Baccara  Rose 

This can create a dramatic effect in any bouquet or floral arrangement.  Black Baccara roses are available to order from Bloomers.