Seasonal flowers

Here at Bloomers we aim to keep a broad range of flowers to suit all tastes and requirements. We replenish our stock very regularly to ensure their freshness.  Many flowers these days are available all the year round, however, some flowers are still very seasonal.  At the moment its the turn of the Cornflower.  This small, vivid blue flower is normally only available in June and July but as with a lot of seasonal flowers this year, it is early.  English Cornflowers are available at Bloomers for the next few weeks.

Wedding Flower themes

Many of our weddings have a theme running through the flower scheme. This can range from a particular set of colours, to a vintage style or maybe a cottage garden feel.  One of the more unusual themes, last wedding season was a World War 2 wedding 

The bride wore a wedding dress made from an authentic 1940’s pattern.
All the guests were in 1940’s outfits and 1940’s hairstyles. Ration book style food was served, at the reception.

For all our weddings, we take care to box up all the bouquets, buttonholes and arrangements to protect them during transportation. All the boxes are lined with brown paper. This got us thinking. With a bit of research we managed to replicate a Red Cross parcel to keep with the World War 2 theme. The bride and groom really enjoyed our little nostalgic contribution.  

Thank you so much for the wonderful job you did on our wedding flowers. They were exactly what we were thinking of.

An extra special thank you has to be given, for the way in which you packaged them up! The Red Cross parcel was delightful. It helped to kick the 1940’s day off to a great start

Mr and Mrs P

If you are thinking of having a particular theme at your wedding then come and have a chat.  We have a wide variety of suppliers who can provide an equally wide range of flowers to complement and enhance your theme

Presentation bouquet

Bloomers were proudly chosen to supply a Spring flower bouquet to Dame Mary Fagan DCVO, the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire.  Dame Mary was presented with the bouquet as part of the opening ceremony of the new Winchester Fire Station.


Bloomers have 2 weddings this forthcoming weekend. With the kind permission of the brides and grooms we will publish photos of the wedding flowers after the weekend.

Royal Wedding flowers

Catherine Middleton's wedding bouquet was a shield-shaped wired bouquet of myrtle, lily-of-the-valley, sweet William and hyacinth. . Myrtle in a wedding bouquet is a custom, which dates back to Queen Victoria. A sprig of myrtle from Queen Victoria's wedding bouquet was planted and sprigs from it have continually been included in royal wedding bouquets. Myrtle has also become very popular with our brides. We will always provide sprigs of Myrtle, on request, for good luck at no extra charge. 


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Welcome to Bloomers - Flowers of Botley

We aim to have something for everyone, supplying traditional and contemporary bouquets to order or while you wait.
Come and visit our beautiful little flower shop in the square at Botley, where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome.  Visit for more information.